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Developer Guide


Aim of this guide is to help you understand how we work and what tools we use. It will aid you in setting your computer up, so that you can easily jump into current workflow. Also, this guide briefly covers standards and practices that we apply in our daily work. We hope that this guide will answer all your questions about how we develop applications here in SwingDev. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us (you can find all needed contacts in Who you can ask section). Welcome aboard!

About the Company

Working at SwingDev means that you will be surrounded by people who are pushing the limits of software product development.

You will have the opportunity to give input on your tasks and you will have an actual impact on the products you build. On a daily basis, you will work in close collaboration with a team of professionals — IT specialists, project managers, designers, and other creatives who are always looking for ways to learn from each other.

At SwingDev, our mission is to make software product development and consulting an efficient, approachable service done with integrity.

We need your skills and dedication to make it happen.

Environment setup


Coding practices

Writing code using widely recognised and opinionated practices makes our job easier. In our work, we use following rules:

Application structure

To make our application scale well, we divide it into several layers — UI, logic and data. Also, a well-thought project structure helps with this task.

For more details, see:

Error handling

We favour proper, well described error handling. It’s not only a benefit for the user, but also for the developer. We recommend creating an exception hierarchy with custom error types.

For more details, see:



The primary language in the browser environment is JavasScript. Its newest edition, ES6, adds a bunch of useful features. Currently it’s the golden standard in web development and we recommend to use it.

ES6 is great but has one major flaw — no type checking. At the moment, there are two solutions for this issue — FlowType and TypeScript. We prefer the latter in our daily work.

For more details, see:


Frameworks are a must in modern web development. They include a number of patterns and helpers which improve application development process.

One of the most popular frameworks is React. This library is a component focused rendering engine, it provides good maintainability and community support. Moreover, it gives high-performance, thanks to Virtual DOM.

For more details, see:

Markup and Styles

Even if you prefer using a front-end framework over plain HTML, you still need to know basic rules of writing markup code. With HTML5 introduction, we change our way of writing HTML code, discarding divs in favour of semantic elements.

CSS seems to be a simple language, but due to it’s cascading and global nature you can quickly fall into a pitfall. Consider using preprocessor such as SCSS and any class naming convention.

For more details, see:

Linter rules

You should always lint your code! We do it, and you should do it also. It makes your life easier.

For more details, see:

Application behavior

User experience

As front-end developers, we are responsible for delivering excellent user experience. We need to keep in mind that all internet users are different from each other, and most importantly — from you. Some of them  will be on a poor cellular connection. Some of them will have disabilities.

For more details, see:


Poor connection may not be an only issue. Web can be accessed from a whole spectrum of devices — from old to modern ones. You have to care about your application’s performance more than you think.

For more details, see:

Data handling

Proper data handling can significantly improve user’s experience. You should always propagate latest data to your views and deal with data conflicts appropriately.

For more details, see:

Data fetching

Usually, front-end applications fetch data from back-end APIs. Poor request handling can cause extended response time or even break your back-end. You should incorporate lazy-loading and batch loading into your data fetching services.

For more details, see:


Who to contact

Marcin Mincer (COO) -

Tomek Kopczuk (CTO) -

Kacper Kula (Developer Evangelist) -

Mirek Ciastek (Senior Front-end Developer) -